Intuitive Canine Trainer

Joss Moroney

Joss and Caleb training

Joss and Caleb training


If you don’t understand your dog’s behavior and don't know how to change it, then  I am happy you found my site.   I have solutions for you.

As a dog-human relationship expert, I can open the dialogue between you and your dog.  I can increase mutual understanding and improve behavior of both dog and human which results in a more balanced life style. 

As a trainer, I am excited when a dog understands my request or I understand a dog’s question.  As a teacher, I am even more rewarded when I help someone else find these same rewards with their dog.

And as a medical and veterinary empath I can determine if your pet has a physical issue impacting your training, and I can suggest paths you can follow, including successful modalities to heal your dog.

I also communicate with cats! And fish and birds and any other pet you might have.

Here are the areas in which I can help you:

  • Increase your bond with your dog in home life and competition

  • Solve tough behavioral issues

  • Identify causes for behavioral changes

  • Teach you to communicate with your dog so you understand each other


My Credentials

  • Nationally Certified Dog Trainer

  • Certified Animal Communicator and Medium

  • Certified Riding Instructor

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